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Rally Dakar collision. Kamaz truck drove over spectator
FATAL truck accident at the Dakar rally - Ales Loprais
Dakar Rally Spectator hit by Race Truck
2014 Dakar Rally Tempting Fate
Horrific moment a huge truck runs over photographer at a rally
Tragic accident at Paris-Dakar Rally
2019 Dakar @ Morocco - Karginov Hits Spectator, Gets Disqualified
Dakar 2019 | Truck runs over the spectator | #Dakar 2019
Dakar Rally Crash - Support Truck Rolls on top of Crowd
2017 Dakar Rally Spectator Video Clips #2
2017 Dakar Rally - Spectator Video
Fatal Accident Dakar: Ales Loprais Shot Down an Italian Spectator.